Mtn Cheat Auto Renewal for Ghana

Mtn Cheat Auto Renewal for Ghana

Someone sent this cheat to me on WhatsApp; I have yet to try it because I don't browse with mtn. After all, the network could be better in my area. If this works for you, kindly pray for the guy who shared this cheat with me. 

Note: it's only for educational purposes, and I will delete this cheat after 5 hours.

How To Activate Mtn Auto Renewal Cheat

First things first, buy 3gh airtime for this process process

1. Dial *138#

2. Choose 1 to proceed 

3. Choose 1 to buy a data bundle

4. Choose 1 to buy for urself

5. Choose 4 to buy 471

6. Buy from airtime and proceed

7. After entering 99 and send 

8. Then choose 0 to go back 

9. Then choose option 1 for the Flexi bundle and activate 

No need to do anything; that's all; you are good to go

It will renew automatically after the data is exhausted; remember, you don't need to repurchase airtime.


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  1. It only renewed for one day only. I thought you mentioned you will not have to buy airtime again. Does it just works just ones ?

  2. Thanks it works 100%

  3. Not working anymore

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