Montgomery Ward, buy now, pay later Method 2024

In this tutorial, I will show you the process you can use to order an item online on credit without using a credit card. I posted about this shop two years ago, and many carders abused it, but now the Ford has subsided. In this step-by-step guide, I will walk through the Montgomery Ward buy now, pay later method.

Montgomery Ward, buy now, pay later

Tools To Cart Montgomery Ward

Complete Fullz with the below details: (Note: If you are going to purchase fullz, ensure you buy from the same state as your drop)

  • Social Security Number (Score 700+)
  • Date of Birth
  • Create an email matching the fullz name
  • Void numbers like Text Now or Google
  • Drop to ship the item to

Montgomery Wards catalog online shopping

1. Configure your IP address to the same state as your drop and fullz. Then, head to and browse the website for at least 5 minutes.

Montgomery Ward

2 . Create an account with the info. Click on the dropdown menu near the "My Account tab."


3. Then click on "Create my account login."

Montgomery Ward, buy now, pay later  Method.

4. Enter the fullz information correctly without copying and pasting

Enter the fullz information on wards

5. And leave the "Catelog EZ number" empty.

Catelog EZ number on wards

6. After creating your account, you will be directed to this page for you.

Montgomery Ward

7. I want to go for an electronic smartwatch. To be precise, you can go for anything.

electronic smartwatch

8. I selected the Apple watch SE because of my SSN score (I will explain later)

9. Choose the size and the color you want and click on Add to cart

10 . Click on Proceed to checkout

11. Tab on checkout

12. Click on continue

13. Do the same for this page

13. Now, click on Open a New Wards Credit Account.

14. Then enter the Fullz SSN and Date of birth

15. Agree to the terms and conditions by ticking the box and clicking on continue

16. Before clicking Place Order, edit the shipping address to your drop.

17. You should get "Thank you", including  your order number.

18. Then check the Gmail you used, and click on View order status.

19. When this page opens then, click on find my order

20. It will tell you whether or not your item has been shipped.


Depending on your fullz score, you can order expensive items. 700+ score can give you from $800 to $1000. With a lesser limit, stay under $300, or else you will not get shipment. 


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